CDR Report Expert

CPD for Chartered Engineer

Stage 2 chartered status with EA

Stage 2 Chartered status with Engineers Australia

We provide Stage 2 services for obtaining of Chartered status with Engineers Australia. Recently, Engineers Australia have changed their process for giving Chartered status to Engineers. The information on the new process can be found at Engineers Australia website Chartered section.

The new Stage 2 chartered process consists of several steps.  Some steps are new, and some steps are the same as they have been in the past. For Stage 2 applications CPD sample can help on generating your narratives as part of your “Chartered Evidence”. See step 4 of becoming a Chartered process. (Scroll down to “Writing a Narrative as Chartered Evidence”).

Narratives we provide are based on your personal engineering experience adjusted to Chartered level. Narratives can be used as evidence in case you don’t have enough evidence to cover a particular element. We strongly recommend the applicants for Chartered status to have narratives written for each and every of 16  elements, even in case you have all or  majority of evidence listed in the table. (See top of  step 4 ). According to our experience, this increases the chances to get a positive outcome.

The narratives that we provide would be 600-700 words long (for each competency element) and they would fully comply to Engineers Australia requirements.

The price for all 16 narratives is $495 AUD

Price per narrative is
$49 AUD

cdr expert in australia for engineers cdr report writing cdr writing chartered status engineers


Quite often we are asked about plagiarism and how we avoid plagiarism in our work. Here is the answer:

We use a sophisticated software in all our work that compares your CDR report to all other previously written CDRs and also to internet souses. We really care about plagiarism as we know that this is a major cause of rejection and ban from Engineers Australia.

Using our services guarantees that the CDR you receive from us is ready to submit and would be absolutely plagiarism free.